Manufacturer, Supplier, Installer of Quality Property Improvement Solutions
Aluminum vs PVC: Which is better?
We're often asked 'are aluminium windows and doors or pvc windows and doors better?'. It's hard to answer in just a word. Both product ranges offer different strengths and benefits in different applications. We'll try to summarise these below and help you make a fully informed purchase for your next project.
Aluminium Windows and Doors
Typically speaking, aluminium windows and doors have been seen as a more commercial product. That mindset was primarily brought on by the popularity of PVC windows and doors in the homeowner market - largely down to cost. Another big factor was the capabilities of aluminium windows and doors from a strength and thermal point of view.
Until fairly recently, aluminium wasn’t really capable of offering the thermal performance we wanted for our properties. With building regs pushing to achieve warmer houses and homeowners pushing to reduce their energy bills, the industry saw aluminium window and door products pushed to the back of the queue. Then we were introduced to thermally broken aluminium...
Thermally broken aluminium windows and doors were then introduced and feature a section of the frame/profile that is made from a low thermally conductive material, designed to stop heat transfer from inside to outside, and vice versa. This introduction allowed Aluminium to make inroads back into the homeowner market.
Strength and rigidity has been a huge factor in the increasing popularity of aluminium. When programmes such as Grand Designs lead market trends for large glazed areas, slim frame sections and floor to ceiling glass, PVC windows and doors had been pushed so far in terms of capabilities for those projects that Aluminium windows and doors shone through as they can achieve higher ratings in the strength, wind loading and rigidity performance tests.
The flexibility to powder coat in any colour imaginable was also welcomed. The look of the finished product, however, is still criticised by some as 'commercial'. The bifold door market was swamped with Aluminium options and are now welcomed as part of many new build, or replacement, glazing projects.

PVC Windows and Doors
The above doesn't mean PVC windows and doors are on a sailed ship. Far from it, in fact. The push for lower heat loss (measured commonly in u-values) is seeing Aluminium be tested yet again. PVC windows and doors still perform better than their aluminium window and door counterparts, with some pvc window and doors in our range achieving u-values as low as 0.8! There is no doubt that better designing and adapting our houses to use less heat will have a positive impact on the environment.
PVC windows and doors are still a little bit behind the aluminium window and door alternatives in terms of section widths, however, they perform a lot greater in terms of thermals, weather rating and impact on your bank account! Do not be fooled - they are still a strong, secure and safe option.
If you, for example, were living in a standard urban detached house it would typically be uncommon to replace all of your windows and doors with aluminium products. However, it would be very common for a full replacement using PVC windows and doors. It is also becoming more popular to mix and match between the two - using an aluminium bifold door in the dining or family room along side pvc windows and composite doors throughout the rest of the house.
The colour range of PVC is much increased, with a vast range of foiled products introduced in the last three or four years. The finish of the PVC foiled products is a lot more pleasing to the eye, to most people, than the flat finish on the aluminium window and door coloured range. This is mainly because it doesn't look as 'commercial' and is more suited to a residential property.
In terms of cost, pvc windows and doors cost significantly less, sometimes as much as 60% less than aluminium windows and doors. So to best look after your bank balance, you should probably speak to us about our thermally efficient, excellent value for money PVC windows and doors range.
So what is our advice?
When you're planning any project, you need to consider why you're doing it. If you're building a new home with tall and wide glass screens to make the most of coastal views, but are quite exposed and get a lot of wind battering your home, we would consider Aluminium products best suited for that area. If you're trying to make an existing house warmer, or build a new thermally efficient home then PVC is a no brainer in that case. If you are looking for a bifolding door, Alumunium will beat PVC to the victory. If you're budget driven, or renovating an investment property then again, PVC is the way to go.
The truth is that both aluminium windows and doors and pvc windows and doors offer good products that are suitable for different things - it would be dishonest for any sales person or company to tell you categorically one is better than the other, without knowing the full details of the works.
If you have a specific project in mind, which you would like our input and guidance on, give our team a call on 01228 599777 or 01387 249777 and we'll help the best we can. We can also offer free home visits or welcome you to our Dumfries or Carlisle showroom facilities - we'll even make you a brew!
Gallery: Windows and Doors